NEIGRIHMS doctors remove rod from 11-year-old boy’s chest

A team of doctors at the North Eastern Indira Gandhi Regional Institute of Health & Medical Sciences (NEIGRIHMS) hospital saved the life of an 11-year-old boy by conducting a critical surgery and removing a 3 foot long iron rod from his chest.
The boy from the Jaintia Hills reported to the casualty last week with a history of fall landing his chest on the rod.
The child was impaled with this rod puncturing the right chest, traversed behind the right collar bone ending behind at the nape of the neck.
A CT scan revealed the penetration course of the iron rod grazing the great vessels and nerves supplying right upper limb.
In view of the risk to the blood supply of the right upper limb which would result in its amputation, a decision for emergent removal of the rod was taken.
The patient was anesthetized by Dr Kaustuv Dutta and Dr Sonia Nahakpam and surgery was conducted by the cardiothoracic team led by Dr Reuben Lamiaki Kynta, Dr Dathia Tongper, Dr Biman Chandra Sinha and Dr L Janendro Singh.
The right chest was opened, explored and rod extracted with controlled manipulation to minimize injury to the great vessels and nerves supplying right upper limb which were inspected and control of bleeding was done.
The patient has made a smooth recovery with restoration of full function and mobility of his right upper limb.
“The aim to report this case through you is that in any case of impalements or stabs due to foreign bodies, an attempt to remove the object should not be attempted and the patient should be transported to a medical facility as soon as possible,” Dr Reuben said.
Congratulations Dr Reuben and Team for the feat
I gave thanks to the Lord for saving my son’s life through the active effort of the doctors.I am also very grateful to the doctors who without delay perform the critical operation and tried their best for the recovery of my son without any defect in his right arm.What Dr Rueben said must be kept in mind.Had we removed the rod or do something at home by ourselves,my son could have lost his life.I give my salute to the doctors and may God bless them physically and spiritually.