NEIGRIHMS issues strict protocol for admitting patients from other states

The North Eastern Indira Gandhi Regional Institute of Health and Medical Sciences (NEIGRIHMS) has issued strict protocol for transfer of non COVID-19 critically ill patients from other states to the hospital.
The protocol was submitted by the Director of NEIGRIHMS Dr DM Thappa to the state’s Chief Secretary MS Rao after a meeting held here on Thursday.
“Only critically ill non COVID-19 patient certified by the concerned state health authority can seek treatment at NEIGRIHMS,” Dr Thappa said.
He said in view of the COVID-19 pandemic, the number of accompanying attendants of the non COVID-19 critically ill patient, will be limited to only one.

He also said at the border, the data of ambulance, driver, etc of the critically ill patient and accompanying person be maintained and certified by the state health authority.
“Only patient as mentioned above will be accepted in NEIGRIHMS Hospital till the Cov1d-19 Pandemic is over,” Dr Thappa said.
The Director further suggested that the need for attendants of the patient coming from other states to be quarantined for 14 days as per state government directives.
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