NEIGRIHMS successfully performs surgery on beating heart of 45-yrs old man

The North Eastern Indira Gandhi Regional Institute of Health and Medical Sciences (NEIGRIHMS) has for the first time successfully performed a total arterial bypass surgery on a beating heart of a 45-year old man.
The surgery was conducted by a team of NEIGRIHMS doctors including cardiac surgeons Dr Reuben Lamiaki Kynta and Dr Sanjib Rawat and anesthetist Dr Nari M Lyngdoh with cardiopulmonary bypass on a beating heart.
The 45-year-old man from West Jaintia Hills was found to have significant coronary artery disease.
With a history of chronic smoking for 20 years he had significant surgical risk. The patient was taken up for early Coronary artery Bypass Surgery (CABG).
A majority of bypass surgeries are conducted using a combination of one arterial graft and venous grafts which are harvested from legs of patient.
Recent research has shown arterial grafts to have better long term patency rates and survival.
For the first time in Meghalaya total arterial CABG was done using LIMA (Left internal mammary artery), RIMA (Right internal mammary artery) and Left Radial artery.
The surgery went smoothly and post operative course was uneventful. There were difficulties due to poor lung function because of years of smoking; but was successfully managed with help of pulmonologist Dr Vijay Nongpiur at NEIGRIHMS. The patient is currently relieved from chest pain and showing good post operative recovery.
As total arterial revascularization is considered to be the best treatment for such cases, its successful completion in NEIGRIHMS will definitely help patients from Meghalaya & North East region.
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