New football academy launched in Jowai

JOWAI: Jowai on Saturday witnessed the official launch of a new football academy named Football Academy of Meghalaya (FAM) to develop the game of football in the State.
Ajoymeson Lyngdoh the CEO of FAM in his statement said that Football Academy of Meghalaya, which is Associated North East India Goal (NEIG) will conduct coaching to young kids and also provide opportunities for talented kids to go for further coaching outside the state.
Among the dignitaries presence were Sniawbhalang Dhar, Minister of Commerce and Industries, Kyrmen Shylla Minister of Social welfare also the Director of NEIG, Wailadmiki Shylla Jowai MLA, members of Districts Association, Richard B Uriah, Principal North Liberty Higher Secondary School and the Headman of Dorbar Shnong Khimmusniang Titos Bamon.
Kyrmen Shylla in his speech said that will select talented kids and to give the opportunity to train them in the academy. Players will be selected according to their ability and he also advises the parents to support their children by giving them the chance to showcase their talents.
Ajoymeson Lyngdoh said that the office of the Academy will be at Khimmusniang, Jowai which will make it easier for the children to communicate with the Academy.
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