New Traffic arrangement in Jowai

This is for the general information of the public, that for the matter of reducing traffic congestion in Jowai Town, the following new traffic arrangements are hereby introduced at Wahnangbah Road and Mission Compound Road, Jowai and will come into effect from the 2nd December, 2019 (Monday). The new traffic arrangements shall be implemented on a trial basis:
Direction of traffic flow at Wahnangbah road shall be reversed by allowing entry (Exiting) of vehicles through the road: Whereas the existing pattern of arrangement disallows vehicles to exit the main Iawmusiang road via this road while allowing only the reverse of it which results in several problematic consequences, such as:
Allowing vehicles to join the main Iawmusiang road through the Wahnangbah road add up to the magnitude of traffic congestion at the main Iawmusiang road.
That the Wahnangbah road intersects at a point where another road intersects from the opposite direction.
That the column of vehicles coming from the direction of New Hill point heading towards DC Junction has to be put on halt every time to make way for every vehicle coming from the Wahnangbah road to proceed towards New Hill point, hence, the blockade near the intersection.
Advantages of the new arrangement for Wahnangbah road:
Allowing the exit of traffic through the Wahnangbah road will provide and additional route to flush cars from the main road.
The new arrangement will eliminate the blockade of cars coming from the direction of New Hill point.
Associated auxiliary arrangements: In order to facilitate the above mentioned arrangement, the following conjoint arrangements have to be implement simultaneously:
Entry of light vehicles (small vehicles with 2 (two) occupants only) will be allowed through the Tpep-Pale subway (bye pass) to proceed to Pohskur-Lumkyrwiang-Iongpiah.
Mission Compound road will be made into a two – ways flow from a one – way flow extending from DC junction to Mission Compound junction. A two-way flow will allow vehicles that are otherwise dis-allowed to enter the Iawmusiang through the Wahnangbah road (in the new arrangement) could now enter Iawmusiang through the Mission Compound at DC Point.
For the effective implementation of the above arrangements at Mission Compound road, the following rules will be implemented simultaneously:
No double parking of vehicles should be allowed on both sides of the Mission Compound road from DC junction till Mission Compound junction and parking will be allowed only on the left side of the road in the direction from DC junction to a Mission Compound.
Parking of carrier and private vehicles belonging to shop owners / customers at the space near the Pohshnong embarkment/dis-embarkment (opposite DC Point) shall not be allowed.
Unloading and off- loading of goods by shop owners near the Pohshnong embarkment/dis-embarkment (opposite DC Point) shall be allowed only before 6:30 AM and after 8:00 PM
The space earmarked for parking by Jowai local taxis at DC junction should also be marked visibly by means of a yellow line.
Self is please to inform that adherence to these arrangements will be insisted and violators of the same will be dealt with as per law.
Superintendent of Police| West Jaintia Hils, Jowai
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