New traffic arrangement in Shillong on trial run

With an aim to ease vehicular congestion during morning school hours, the Shillong Traffic Police (STP) will be conducting a trial run for One Way in and around the Laitumkhrah and Dhankheti circuit for 2 (two) days on Monday and Tuesday from 7:30 AM to 9:00 AM, to explore the feasibility of the new arrangements
NO ENTRY for vehicles coming from Malki point, Upper Lachumiere and wanting to proceed towards Fire Brigade point via St. Edmund’s School road, instead they will have to proceed towards Don Bosco via Laitumkhrah Police Point Seventh Day Adventist junction.
NO ENTRY for vehicles coming from Fire Brigade point via St. Edmund’s School road and wanting to proceed towards Upper Lachumiere.
NO ENTRY for vehicles coming from Nongthymmai – Jingkieng and wanting to proceed towards Laitumkhrah via Seventh Day Adventist junetion. instead they will have to proceed towards St. Edmund’s School road Dhankheti.
The SP East Khasi Hills appealed tl all citizens to cooperate if any inconvenience is met.
The best solution is SCHOOL BUS in every school. All students must go to school via school bus. This will automatically ease traffic in shillong.
What about vehicles coming from Motinagar and proceeding towards Jingkieng, Nongrim Hills. Will the “No right turn” be removed at Lumsohphoh-Firebrigade junction?
It is highly appreciatable on the part of traffic department of meghlaya to try different ways to ease traffic congestion in the city during school hours but as our roads are small and vehicles are more, do traffic congestion will be there no one can help it. Every parents who has their own vehicle will always go to drop their kids to school . So, I would like to request to all schools of laitumkhrah to provide bus services for their own school students which will drop and pickup from their school premises. Then only parents will send their kids in the school buses.
Thank you.
Increase the taxation in cars by 15 times. Sale of cars will drop as a result traffic will not coagulate going further.