NFSA and Non-NFSA rice released in Amlarem
The Sub- Divisional Officer (Supply), Amlarem Sub-Division, Amlarem informed that NFSA (AAY & PHH) and Non-NFSA quota of rice for the month of September, 2021 has been released and will be released to the Fair Price Shop Dealers till 15th September, 2021.
Antyodaya Anna Yojna (AAY) quota of rice will be distributed at the scale of 35 Kgs per household at the rate of Rs. 3/- per kg. Priority HouseHold (PHH) quota of Rice at the scale of 5 kgs per head at the Rate of Rs 3/- per Kg and Non-NFSA Rice at the rate not exceeding Rs.14/- per kg.
The Public are directed to lift their quota from their respective Fair Price Shop Centres. Any non-receival or overcharging of the above commodities may be given in writing to the office of the Sub- Divisional Officer (Supply), Amlarem Sub-Division, Amlarem by indicating their names and village they belong to so that strict action may be taken against any defaulters.
Complaints may be lodge at: SDO – 8822922422, Sub-Inspector – 8414806738/ 9436110184/ 8731025753 Email: [email protected]
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