Nine groups handhold by SURE received PGS certification

JOWAI: Society for Urban and Rural Empowerment in collaboration with North East Slow Food and Agro-biodiversity Society, Shillong is working in a project entitled ‘no one shall be left behind initiative,’ which apart from working improving food consumption using indigenous food system which is available locally, is also encouraging people to farm and produce chemical free vegetables. But to achieve this goal farmers have to avail organic farming certification which is very expensive which most farmers cannot afford.
Participatory Guarantee System is another kind of certification to verify that the farmers did not use chemical in their planting their crops or vegetables. In the PG system farmers were supported by NGOs and after due process were conducted, the Participatory Guarantee System Council (India) issued the groups the certificate that their products are chemical free or organic.

To avail the certification, farmers have to organised themselves into Local Group (LGs) are similar to SHG where membership in the group should not be less than five and it is important that that the member know each other well. After motivating them to form the LG, the staff of the organisation then asked them to make a pledge that they will not use chemical and ensure that they practice organic farming only. They were also made aware of the Basic Organic Standard and SURE staff help them read and understand the standard. The other criterion that has to be fulfilled is for members to conduct farm appraisal in which not less than three members of the group visit their respective member’s farm to confirm that Basic Organic Standard is maintained by their fellow farmers.
The organisation also trained the LG in recording minute and inspect the farms to ensure that the farmers or member of the LG comply with the rules. It is only after all the criteria were fulfilled that the names of the LG were recommended for the certification.
SURE with the support of NESFAS was able to help nine LGs to receive the certification and the groups that have received their certificates are Iaraplang LG from Mulum village, Lamlynti LG from Mukhap, two LGs from Mynso namely Lyngdoh Organic farming of Mynso-B and Iahluti Shaphrang LG also from Mynso-B, all these groups are from Laskein development block. Under the Amlarem block two LGs from Skhenpyrsit village namely Iakyntiew LG and Ryntihlang LG received their PGS certificates. And from Thadlakein block two LGs from Muphlang namely Muphlang dongwah LG and Muphlang dongnein LG and one Iatreilang LG from Mustem village also received their certifications.

The certificates were handover to the local groups on October 17, in a function organised by NESFAS at KJP Assembly Conference Centre Shillong.
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