No COVID-19 patient in WJH: DM&HO

Health authorities in West Jaintia Hills on Wednesday said there is no COVID-19 patient in the district.
This came after news report citing that there are 3 suspected COVID-19 patients, has created panic among the residents of the district.
A statement issued by the District Medicial & Health Officer (DM&HO), West Jaintia Hills however urged the general public at large not to panic.
“As of today, the 8th of April, there is no COVID-19 patient in West Jaintia Hills District,” it said.

The DM&HO further requested all residents of the district to practice social distancing, cough and hand washing etiquettes so as to prevent the disease from entering the district.
The health official also said that cooperation of all concerned including the active involvement of the Waheh Shnong (headmen) is very much needed during this crucial period.
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