Nursing training centre to be constructed at Sakaladuma
In view of the lack of healthcare facilities in the Nokrek region, the Christian Hospital Management Committee and Nursing School, Tura along with the members of A∙chik Heritage Pursuits (AHP) has visited the site for the New Building of Nursing Training Centre at Sakaladuma on the foothills of Nokrek Range last Saturday. It may be mentioned that the training centre will be an outreach program for five years, which will then be upgraded to a Sub-Centre.
The President of A∙chik Heritage Pursuits (AHP), Prakash Momin informed that the AHP will be assisting in the construction of this Nursing Training Centre at Sakaladuma and expressed hope that this centre will provide basic medical care and treatment facilities to the people of the area, he added. “This will benefit the residents of almost eight villages namely, Daribokgre, Mandal Nokat, Sakalgre, Balladingre, Dura Kalakgre, Sasatgre, Chandigre and Oragitok since the nearest hospital is at Asanang, about 22 kilometres away”, he informed.
Further, he also mentioned that Poljonsing M Sangma from Sakala∙duma has generously donated his land for the said purpose and added that this Training centre will be built purely on donations received from people of the region as of now there is no amount sanction from the hospital management committee, however the committee had assured their assistance during the later stages of construction, he added.
Dr. C B Sangma, Chairperson Hospital Managing Committee, Superintendent of Nursing Training, Tutor of Nursing Training and Manager of Tura Christian Hospital, Dr. Jedidah N Marak, Superintendent, Christian Hospital, Dr. Editha W Momin, Associate Medical Superintendent, Members of AHP were among others present on the occasion.
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