Online learning stressed for students during lockdown

In order to prevent the possibility of an outbreak and spread of the COVID-19(Corona- Virus) and as a precautionary measure to safeguard the citizens of the State, the Education Department further extends the closure of all Educational Institutions in the State from the 16th to 30th April, 2020
Furthermore, the Education Department has issued a number of advisories for consideration by all Institutions to disseminate to the parents and their wards.
During this closure period, parents are advised to keep their wards occupied and updated through online learning resources using Government backed repositories like,,, (non-profit organization) and Diksha.
The Education department has also partnered with for online learning and Schools are advised to use the resource which is free of cost.

Parents are advised to keep their ward(s) within their safe environment and avoid contact with people and ensure proper social distancing.
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