Over 125 employees affected by COVID-19 in NEIGRIHMS

Over 125 employees of the North Eastern Indira Gandhi Regional Institute of Health and Medical Sciences (NEIGRIHMS) hospital have tested positive for COVID-19.
In a statement issued on Monday, the hospital’s public relation officer (PRO) Dr Cornerstone Wann said currently there are 125 NEIGRIHMS employees including doctors, nurses, ward attendants and other hospital staff, who are either tested positive of under quarantine due to COVID-19 infections.
He however said the administration has taken adequate steps to deliver appropriate patient care for all COVID positive cases including other routine/emergency cases admitted at NEIGRIHMS.
“NEIGRIHMS will continue its patients care and OPD services for the benefit of all North East people during these difficult times,” Dr Wann said.
“Our appeal to the public and especially NEIGRIHMS employees is to follow the COVID appropriate behavior in both hospital and at public places or at home,” he added.
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