Pormawlai BMC launches landmark clouded leopard conservation project
The Pormawlai Biodiversity Management Committee (BMC) made strides in wildlife preservation by launching a groundbreaking project on clouded leopard conservation on November 25. The initiative, funded by Panthera in collaboration with the Meghalaya Biodiversity Board, Small Wild Cat Conservation Foundation, Eastern Himalayas Marbled Cat Project, and Indian Youth Biodiversity Network-Meghalaya Chapter, aims to safeguard the habitat of the elusive species through sustained community engagement.
To mark the occasion, a statue of the clouded leopard was unveiled at Pormawlai village. Dr. Jim Sanderson, Program Manager for Wild Cat Conservation, emphasized global efforts to protect small wild cats, while Dr. Giridhar Malla of the IUCN Cat Specialist Group highlighted ongoing conservation initiatives in Northeast India.
Pormawlai BMC Chairman Rapthap Ryntong shared his forest restoration journey, which began in 2016, inspiring other BMCs. Representatives from Nongdaju, Riangmaw, Riangkhain, and Iawnaw BMCs, along with officials from the Wildlife Department, Social Forestry Nongstoin, and the Meghalaya Biodiversity Board, participated in discussions during the event.
This initiative underscores the vital role of grassroots conservation efforts and collaborative partnerships in preserving biodiversity.

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