Poshan Pakhwada concludes in East Jaintia Hills

The two week long celebration of the Poshan Pakhwada under the theme ‘Integration of traditional and modern practices for healthy India’ concluded today at Byndihati, Dong Umsngad Community Hall, East Jaintia Hills District.
Organized by the office of District Programme Officer, ICDS (CELL), East Jaintia Hills District, Khliehriat where in Kyrmen Shylla, Minister of Social Welfare Department attended the function as the Chief Guest.
Kyrmen Shylla in address stressed on the importance of a healthy diet for a child’s growth while also stating that the ICDS and the Anganwadi workers have a key role in ensuring that children consume nutritious food that contains essential nutrients for proper growth and development. He also informed the gathering on Early Childhood Development Mission (ECDM), a pilot project implemented by the Social Welfare Department which aims at providing better nourishment, health care, education for their overall growth and development of children.
Smti. F. Wann, MCS, EAC, East Jaintia Hills District, Khliehriat in her speech said that Meghalaya is one of the states with high Infant Mortality Rate and Maternal Mortality Rate, further stating that in order fight anemia and malnutrition the Poshan Abhiyan was launched in 2018 to encourage consumption of nutritious and healthy food. Speaking on the fortified blended food provided by the ICDS and Anganwadi Centres, she said that consumption of fortified food is very important as it contains key vitamins and nutrients which support growth and development during childhood.
Smti. R. Bareh, CDPO, ICDS Saipung Project, briefed the gathering of Poshan Pakhwada celebration 2022 and she informed that the two weeks long programme focused on measurement of height and weight of children under 6 years in Anganwadi Centres, generating awareness in women on the importance of water conservation, water management, promoting rain water harvesting and, prevent and treatment of anemia, encouraging traditional food for securing healthy mother and child and behavioral change etc.

Kyrmen Shylla also inaugurated the Anganwadi Centre at Byndihati, Dong Umsngad which was funded by the National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) during the financial year 2020-2021. The other highlights of the programme includes, Demonstration of SNP recipes by the Anganwadi workers of Sohkymphor Village, welcome song by the Anganwadi workers of Byndihati village and a dance performance by the SHG members.
Among others who attended the programme were Dr. Dominic Shylla, District Medical and Health Officer, East Jaintia Hills District, T. Shylla, Block Development Officer, Wapung C&Rd Block, R Passah, District Social Welfare Officer, East Jaintia Hills District, T Kyndiah, District Child Protect Officer, East Jaintia Hills District, W Buam, District Coordinator (Swachh Bharat Mission), Y Najiar, District Programme Officer, ICDS, Poshan Abhiyan, East Jaintia Hills District and C Pale, CDPO, Khliehriat Project.

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