Precautionary measures to be followed during Christmas and New Year celebration
In compliance to Government Order and precautionary measures to be adopted during Christmas & New Year Celebration the District Magistrate, West Jaintia Hills has issued following protocols:
Generic preventive measures.
Persons above 65 years of age, person with comorbidities, pregnant women and children below the age of 10 years are advised to stay at home.
The generic preventive measures include simple public health measures that are to be followed to reduce the risk of COVID-19.
Individual must maintain a minimum distance of 5 feet in Public places as far as feasible

Use of face masks is mandatory.
Practice frequent hand washing with soap (for at least 40-60 seconds ) even when hands are not visibly dirty or use of alcohol-based hand sanitizers(for at least 20 seconds) which ever feasible.
Respiratory etiquettes to be strictly followed. This involves strict practice of covering one’s mouth and nose while coughing/sneezing with tissue/ handkerchief/ flexed elbow and disposing off used tissues properly.
Self-monitoring of health by all and reporting any illness at the earliest to State or district helpline.
Greetings through hugs and kisses is discouraged.
Spitting should be strictly prohibited.
Installation & use of Aarogya Setu App may be advised to all.
Church Services relating to Christmas/New year including Midnight services during Christmas and New year may be conducted subject to compliance to the SOP on preventive measures to contain the spread of COVID in religious places/places of worship issued by the Home (Political) Department, Govt of Meghalaya vide Order No. POL.75/2020/Pt.I/69, Dt. 25-09-2020.
Staggered services are recommended at Churches.
Outdoor Services within the Compound of the church may be held, but should not exceed one third the capacity of the venue, or a maximum of 200 persons, whichever is less.
Carolling and Processions:
There will be no mobile carolling groups or procession. Instead, carolling may be done within the church premise/ designated hall and in a localized manner as per the Social distancing norms laid down in SOP on preventive measures to contain COVID-19 in religious places/places of worship issued by the Home (Political) Department, Govt of Meghalaya vide Order No. POL.75/2020/Pt.I/69, Dt. 25-09-2020.
Community Feasts:
Community feasting is not recommended.
For all others Christmas & New Year related events/gatherings permission should be sought from the office of the Deputy Commissioner, West Jaintia Hills District, Jowai.

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