Prohibitory order under Section 144 CrPC imposed in West Jaintia Hills | Here is the list for permitted activities in Jowai Town

The District Magistrate, West Jaintia Hills has issued prohibitory order under Section 144 Cr.PC imposing containment measures with effect from 5.00 AM of 1st May 2021 to 5.00 AM of 10th May, 2021.
It is observed that the new strain of the COVID-19 virus is more virulent and infectious and is affecting both the young and old alike, and many COVID-19 positive patients are now requiring Oxygen beds causing stress on limited healthcare infrastructure. The Vaccination coverage in the State is still low making the population in the State vulnerable, and there has been a rapid surge in the number of COVID-19 cases in the State particularly in the urban pockets, and a large portion of the popuation lives in rural areas who might be affected unless intense containment measure are taken in these urban pockets.
- Political, public, social and religious gatherings including conference meetings and training are not permitted.
- Weddings are permitted subject to ceiling of 30 persons and prior permission of the deputy commissioner, West Jaintia Hills District, Jowai/ Sub-Divisional Officer (Civil) Amlarem.
- Funerals are permitted subject to a ceiling of 30 persons. Bereaved family to maintain a Register showing Name, Address and Mobile number of visitors.
- Entry of tourists from outside the State shall not be permitted and all tourist spots shall remain closed.
- International Border Trade at Tamabil shall be suspended.
- Sports activities are not permitted.
A. Permitted activities:
- Opening of Essential Shops are permitted on Monday, Wed nesday and Friday between 9.00 AM to 4.00 PM. The Headmen may regulate the Odd/Even number for maintaining social distancing.
- Opening of shops dealing in hardware, electrical, plumbing & sanitary ware, computer service centres, mobile repair shops and automobile repair shops are permited on Tuesday and Thursday between 9.00 AM to 4.00 PM. The Headmen may regulate the Odd/ Even number for maintaining social distancing
- Banks and Banking Services, Post & Telegraph and Telecommunication Services.
- Essential State Government Offices as notified by the Personnel and AR(A) Department
- Central Government Offices and Banks to function at 100 % strength for Group A and at 30%strength for Group “B and Group D staff
- Movement only for the following purposes is permitted on self-declaration and subject to adherence to protocols:
(a) Healthcare services, including emergency services and vaccination.
(b) Agriculture and Veterinary Services.
(c)Transportation of Essential items.
(d) Movement of students, teachers and staff related to conduct of examinations.
(e) Goods Vehicles, E-Commerce Services, Supply of Medicines and Pharmaceuticals.
(f) Home Delivery Services.
(g) Accredited/ Registered Press Personnel (Print and Electronic)
(h) Persons engaged in construction activities.
(i) Persons travelling on Essential Government Duty viz:
i. Medical Teams and officials on COVID-19 Duty.
ii. Police Security and Armed forces.
iii. Civil Defence and Home Guards.
iv. Fire and Emergency Service.
v. Power (NEEPCO), MeECL, powergrid, etc).
vi. Water Supply (PHE)
vii. Roads and buildings (PWD, NHAI, NHIDCL, etc)
viii. Municipal services
ix. Food coporation of India
x. Information and Public Relations
xi. Banks Post & Telegraph and Telecommunication Services.
B. Restricted Activities in Jowai town
- Educational institutions shall remain closed.
- Places of religious worship shall remain closed except for the wedding ceremony with prior permission of the Deputy Commissioner/Sub-Divisional Officer (Civil) Amlarem.
- All private offices will be closed, except those providing essential services.
- Non-essential Central Government Institutions may close their offices and work from home.
- Public Transport movement shall be reduced to 1/4 of the existing capacity. Public transport may be used for the movement of persons as permitted at para A- 7 above as follows:
- Monday Registration No. ML04/ML04A/ ML 04 B/C&D Number ending with O(zero) and 1(one)
- Tuesday Registration No. ML04/ML04A/ ML 04 B/C&D Number ending with2(Two) and 3 (three)
- Wednesday Registration No. ML04/ML04A/ ML 04 B/C&D 4(Four) and 5 (Five)
- Thursday Registration No. ML04/ML04A/ ML 04 B/C&D 6 (Six) and 7 (Seven)
- Friday Registration No. ML04/ML04A/ ML 04 B/C&D 8 (Eight) and 9 (9)
- Saturday: Only vehicles from other District that have Registered with the office of the District transport officer, Jowai bearing MLO6. 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11,12 13 and 14 alongwith different series A,B,C, D, E and so on.
Apart from the vehicles above, no other vehicles are permitted to ply on the road except those with PASSES issued from the Deputy Commissioner, Jowai/ SDO (Civil) Amlarem.
All non-essential movement is discouraged.
Those violating the movement protocol or furnishing false self-declaration shall be liable for penal action as per law.
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