Section 144 CrPC promulgated in East Jaintia Hills

In view of the prevailing situation concerning COVID-19 in the country and globally and to put in place preventive measures and awareness to identify and take steps to ensure social distancing and home quarantine so the pandemic of COVID-19 does not spread to the District and Meghalaya, by way of ensuring observance of strict protocols of the advisories issued by Government of Meghalaya in the Health & family Welfare Department, the District Magistrate, East Jaintia Hills District, in an order issued on 23rd March, 2020 under section 144 Cr.P.C and in compliance with the regulation 3 of The Meghalaya Epidemic Disease, COVID-19 Regulation 2020 prohibited operation of all markets, commercial and business establishments in East Jaintia Hills District.
However, the order shall not apply to shops, stalls, go-downs and establishments which deal with essential items and services including pharmacies, grocery shops, vegetable and fruit vendors, meat and fish vendors, shops selling rice, petrol pumps, banks and ATMs and such shops, stalls, go-downs and establishments will have to strictly follow social distancing measures with their customers.
The order also prohibits door to door distribution of newspapers with the same having to be purchased from a designated Stall in the market where the vendor has to provide sanitizer to himself and customers before delivery.
As per the order, buying of pockets of betel nut and betel leaf (Kwaidong) from vendors in bulk is prohibited, except for one’s own personal consumption and the same should not be distributed or shared with another person (s) and the use of sanitizer by vendors and customers is enforced.

The District Magistrate also prohibited all forms of public transport in the District and that there shall be no inter-state plying of buses, tourist taxis and no inter-district plying of any public transport vehicle i.e Buses, Maxi Cabs, Tourist Taxis with effect from 23rd March, 2020 till 31st March 2020.
However, the order shall not apply to ambulances, vehicles for transportation of staff to work places and back and also vehicles used to transport food and essential commodities. 100% of local taxis and auto rickshaws operating in the District are to keep their taxis off-road (Shall not operate) on 24th March, 2020, 25th March, 2020, 27th March, 2020, 28th March, 2020 and 29th March, 2020. Special permission for medical emergencies may be obtained from the District Transport Officer, East Jaintia Hills.
The order also states that no government employees in the District including Officers/ Employee of Line Departments and contractual staff shall leave the District without the permission of the Deputy Commissioner. All government offices will function with a capacity of 50 %. However, all government employees are required to be available 24 hours on telephone and mobile for attending any kind of emergencies. Further, every Government employee is directed to keep their mobile phones in “Switched On” mode and should be available for any emergency requirement at all times and non-compliance of the order shall be viewed seriously, the order also stated.
Security forces and Medical Teams on duty, MeECL, Public Health Engineering (PHE) Department, Public works Department (PWD), Police and Armed Forces, Fire & Emergency Services, Food & Civil Supply Department, Telecom, Telegraph & IT services, banks and ATMs are exempted from the purview of this order.
The order also stated that assembly or gathering of more than 5 (Five) or more persons in all public areas, premises, commercial and residential localities beyond the individual household is prohibited. However, this order will not be applicable to Security forces and Medical Teams on duty, pharmacies and all essential services including health services, MeECL, Public Health Engineering (PHE) Department, Public works Department (PWD), Police and Armed Forces, Fire & Emergency Services, Food & Civil Supply Department , Telecom, Telegraph & IT services , banks and ATMs.
The District Magistrate has also issued stringent orders for all factories and workshops under East Jaintia Hills District to remain closed. Firms dealing with medical supplies and equipments, food related industries are exempted from the purview of the order. All cement & coke plants are prohibited to transport cement /products during the period of lock down. The operation and maintenance activities at the cement plants and coke plants are to be limited to 25 % capacity. Warehouses and go-downs shall remain closed except those related to food items, essential commodities, medicines and medical equipments.
The order comes into force with effect from 10:00 PM of 23rd March 2020 and will remain in force till 31st March 2020.
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