Series of tourist vehicle allowed to ply

The District Magistrate, West Jaintia Hills in an order issued has allowed 25% of Tourist Taxi to operate in West Jaintia Hills District provided they have obtained PASSES from the District Transport Officer, West Jaintia Hills. The District Magistrate has instructed the drivers and passenger to adhere to health advisories relating to Wearing Masks, Maintain Social distancing in Public Place, to regularly wash hands with Soap and Water and no spitting, the District Magistrate has stated that non compliance to the order will be punished as under Section 51(b) of the Disaster Management Act, 2005.
The Tourist taxi will be allowed to ply from 6.00 AM to 6.00 PM
Monday ML04 (ABCD) with ending “0” & 1
Tuesday MLO4 (ABCD) with ending 2″ & 3′
Wednesday MLO4 (ABCD) with ending 4 &’5_
Thursday ML04 (ABCD) with ending “6′ &”7
Friday MLO4 (ABCD) with ending ‘8 & 9
Saturday vehicle having other Districts series like ML05, ML06 etc. other than ML04.
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