Shillong Dojo Karate-Do Association elected its new members

JOWAI: The Shillong Dojo Karate-Do Association (SDKA) conducted an Annual General Body Meeting on May 27 at Don Bosco Youth Centre, Laitumkhrah. The meeting was chaired by Iaikyrsoi G. Wanswett, Organising Secretary, SDKA who also welcome all the Parents, Students, Instructors, Members, etc.
Two part of the report was share in the meeting, firstly the Annual Report which was given by Linza F. Syiem, General Secretary, SDKA and the Financial Report which include the Audited Report given by Diwarson Nongrang, Treasurer SDKA for the term 2015-2018.
After all the members present accepted the reports, the meeting was handed over to the designated Protem-Chairperson, Ridahunlin Lyndem, Secretary, Meghalaya Softball Association to conduct the Election of new office bearers and Executive Members for the term 2019-2022.
Former SDKA Assistant General Secretary, Banri Phira Lyngdoh was elected as the new President for a term of three years. The Body also elected Arky Nongrum and Iaikyrsoi Giri Wanswett as the new Vice-President of SDKA.
SDKA Office Bearers:
- President: Shri BanriPhiraLyngdoh
- Vice President: Shri Arky Nongrum
- Vice President: Shri IaikyrsoiWanswett
- General Secretary: SmtiLinza Fenny Syiem
- Assistant General Secretary: SmtiBarihunlangMyrthong
- Treasurer: Shri DiwarsonNongrang
- Organising Secretary: Shri James Bamon
- Assistant Organising Secretary: Shri GlikeriusBuhphang
- Publicity Secretary: Shri Rodrick Syiem
Executive Members:
- Shri Brandon Sun
- Smti Bandana Wahlang
- SmtiBanyllaChallam
- Smti Felicia Nongdhar
- Shri WanphrangJyrwa
- Shri John Basaiawmoit
- Smti Ankita Koch
- Smti Pratima Thapa
- Smti Medina Basumatary
- SmtiElleenza B. Syiem
- Smti Lucky Khongshei
- Smti Jacinta Mary Kurkalang
- Shri Albert Pyngrope
SDKA Advisor: Shri Hunlang Lytan, President, All Meghalaya Karate-Do Association
After the Election, the meeting was handed over to our new Vice President to chair the remaining part of the programme and Arky Nongrum, newly elected Vice-President also address the gathering and ugre the members, the parents and the students to be active in promoting the sports not just in Meghalaya.

After the meeting, followed the Belt Graduation Programme. Belt and Certificates was given to all students who passed the exam and got promoted to the next level of skills in karate.
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