Shopkeepers designated for compulsory COVID’s vaccination in Pynursla

The Sub Divisional Magistrate, Pynursla Civil Sub -Division, Pynursla in an order issued on 1st May, 2021 has enforced the following generic preventive measures in Pynursla Civil Sub-Division to safeguard the people from an uncontrollable surge of COVID-19 cases.
The shopkeeper, traders are designated as priority group for vaccination. It is required that all traders, shopkeepers get themselves vaccinated and to display their vaccination certificates at the shops.
Person above 65 years of age, persons with co-morbidities, pregnant women and children below the age of 10 years are advised to stay at home.
The generic measures include simple public health measures that are to be followed to reduce the risk of Covid-19. These measures need to be observed by all vendors, customers in market places at all time.
- This include:-
Physical distancing of at least 6 feet to be followed. - Use of face cover, mask to be make mandatory.
- Use of alcohol based hand sanitizer for at least 20 seconds can be made wherever feasible.
Respiratory etiquettes to be strictly followed. This involved strict practice of covering one’s mouth and nose while coughing, sneezing with tissues, handkerchief, flexed elbow and disposing of used tissues properly. - Self-monitoring of health by all and reporting any illness at the earliest to State and District helpline.
- Spitting shall be strictly prohibited
- Installation and use of Aarogya Setu App and Behavioral Change Management App by Government of Meghalaya shall be advice to all.
- Only asymptomatic customers, visitors shall be allowed.
- The face cover, mask has to be worn all times inside the market.
- Large gathering, congregations is prohibited
Market Committees as well as vendor, customers etc shall ensure the following arrangements and protocols strictly in the market.
(A) For Vendor:
- No joining or merging of stalls will be allowed.
- Each vendor shall wear mask. He/she will also keep hand sanitizer ready for the buyer.
- No plastic, polythene bag will be used below 50 micron. The biodegradable or cloth bags should be used to reduce physical contact.
- Only one vendor plus one helper shall be allowed in each shop, stall i.e. not more than two person shall be allowed to operate stall.
- There will at least 6 feet distance between 2 stalls of weekly market and no goods shall be allowed to be kept in between the open space of 2 staff.
- There should be adequate distance between vendor and buyer in case of sale, purchase.
- Not more than 2 buyer shall be allowed to deal at any stall at one time, that too with adequate distancing.
- There should be a proper marking at each stall to ensure social distancing between buyers and vendors.
(B) For Buyer, customer
- The buyer will be instructed by the vendor as well as by Market Committee persons to keep safe distance.
- The buyer will be asked to use mask spaces in front of every stall.
- Buyer should bring their own cloth, biodegradable bags for shopping.
Any violation will be met with strict penal action as per law.
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