Shops and services permitted to open in East Jaintia Hills District

The Deputy Commissioner, East Jaintia Hills District in a press release issued here informs the general public that in compliance with the guidelines of the Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India and the order issued by the Government of Meghalaya, the additional activities that are permitted to open in the East Jaintia Hills District with effect from 27th of May, 2020 includes shops dealing in products and clothes for new born babies, textiles and readymade garments, kitchen utensils, household electronics and automobile showrooms. However, only shops operating from fixed premises will be allowed to open. Other services that are also permitted to operate includes kitchen appliances repair services and travel agencies.
The Deputy Commissioner has also instructed all villages to utilize the services of the VDP or volunteer to coordinate with the police to regulate the operation of shops and to also ensure due compliance to the Advisories of Government. They are to ensure that there is no overcrowding in one area, shop or panic buying. Plying of vehicles during the relax period is restricted and vehicles should be parked at the designated place, only one or two member from the family is allowed to come out for purchasing of essential commodities.
Further, the shopkeepers are not allowed to sell beyond fixed MRP price. All shops and costumers are requested to provide dustbins, to maintain hygiene and cleanliness, to maintain social distancing at least 1 meter from one another, not to dump their waste, garbage in front of the shop but to dispose the same as per the direction of the village authorities and they are also requested to cooperate with the District Administration, Police and to strictly adhere to the Health Department Advisories
The public are requested to strictly maintain personal hygiene and maintain social distancing to wash their hands frequently with soap and water, to dispose waste in the identified dustbin. The Public are also requested not shake hands, not to touch eyes, nose and mouth without washing your hands, not to sneeze or cough in your hands without covering your nose and mouth, not to spit in public places and to avoid close contact with a person who has cough, sneeze or fever. All purchaser are requested to ensure due compliance to the advisories of Government in the Health & Family welfare Department and to adhere to the aforementioned regulations. DPRO
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