SPC condemn VPP chief’s unjustified and uncivilised behaviour

The Shillong Press Club (SPC) on Thursday has slammed the VPP legislator from Nongkrem Ardent Miller Basaiawmoit for casting dark aspersions on the media fraternity of the state especially the Khasi and Jaintia belt.
“Basaiawmoit’s rant and bluster without basis, foundation, and adequate proof reflects poorly on the sincere efforts of all working journalists who diligently, despite challenges, constraints, and trials have been sincerely trying to pursue their journalistic journey to espouse freedom of speech and expression as mandated by the Constitution within legal parameters,” SPC president David Laitphlang said in a statement.

He said this is not the first time that Ardent has cried hoarse for reasons best known to him just to take on anybody who does not toe his line of thought, attitude, bravado and speech.
“The Shillong Press Club condemns this unjustified and uncivilised behaviour of a person who is believed to have some stature in society. Hence, it would be prudent for him to simply boycott the press so as to avoid any uncomfortable situation for him and his political party as they strive to serve the best interests of the people of Meghalaya,” Laitphlang said.

“Seeking an apology from such a wise man would be a waste of time and thought and therefore, the Shillong Press Club leaves it to the wisdom of the readers and viewers to decide who, when, how, and where we ordinary mortals have fallen short,” he said.
“Constructive criticism is always welcome as it helps everyone to better themselves, but bellowing with confidence on matters not familiar with is often the wrong way to serve humanity. In parting, we must remember that one should not unjustly judge, for all shall be judged one day,” he added.
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