Applications invites from coaching centres to conduct Special Coaching Programme for SC/ST jobseekers
The Directorate General of Employment, Ministry of Labour and Employment invites application form eligible Coaching/Training Institute for Conducting Special Coaching programme for SC/ST job seekers in General English, General Awareness, numerical ability, Shorthand Typing and computer (both Theory & Practical) etc under the Special Coaching Scheme for Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes, for imparting one year ‘O’ level Computer Training and one year ‘O’ level Computer Hardware Maintenance Training through National Institute of Electronics & Information Technology (NIELIT). This Scheme will be operated at the National Career Service Centre (NCSCs) for SC/ST located in Jowai.
All Scheduled Castes / Scheduled Tribes candidates registered with Employment Exchange in Jowai but should not be a student or employee and should not have undergone similar training sponsored either by the Central or any State Governments are eligible to apply.

Prescribed application form can be obtained personally from the Sub-Regional Employment Officer, National Career Service Centre for SC/STs, Employment Exchange Building, Wahnangbah, KNB Road, Jowai on any working day on the production of Employment Exchange Registration Card together with original and attested copies of the educational and Caste Certificates and the same should be submitted within 7 days.
The Coaching would be conducted in the National Career Service Centre for SC/STs located at Jowai. Number of SC/ST candidates to be trained is 100 for 11 months. The Date of commencement will be on 01.09.2022 (Tentatively).
Desirous Coaching Centre /Training Institutes may visit the office for more details and submit their application to the National Career Service Centre for SC/STs Jowai
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