Steps to be taken by every citizen to prevent spread of Coronavirus

As per Government notification dated 10th May, 2021, it is reported from Public Health experts that the actual number of COVID-19 cases in the state could be up to 25 times the number recorded. This is due to the fact that many cases are asymptomatic or people are not coming forward for testing due to denial or fear of stigmatization. Hence many silent carriers are likely present and are spreading the virus within the communities and families
And since the 1st May, 2021 there has been a sharp and continuous spike in COVID-19 case and deaths in West Jaintia Hills District
Despite a lockdown and curb on movement and activities, the high number of cases reflects widespread transmission. While the mobility lockdown may help contain spread of the virus in public spaces, spread within the family close communities is already happening and may rise in the coming days.
And since the government has directed that “all attempts should be made at this juncture to handle the number of Symptomatic patients at the household/ community level efficiently and in a Structured manner to avoid panic and chaos as has been witnessed in other states’
Therefore, in view of the facts above, the Deputy Commissioner, West Jaintia Hills has urged and advice all the citizens of the District to follow the imperative steps:
Everyone should consider themselves to be asymptomatic carriers and follow COVID Appropriate Behaviour at all times- Mask wearing should be strictly followed even in one’s own home in the next 14 days.
Complete home solutions to be observed by citizens, and no inter-house visits are permitted especially in close neighbourhoods.
While shop selling essential commodities are permitted to open in the localities, it is suggested that only one member per household is allowed to come out for purchase of essentials and time spent for this purpose should be the bare minimum
50 % of cases reported in the last week are of High Risk Contacts, who are mostly family members, co-workers, neighbors and other known person’s positive cases. Hence, care should be taken at all times even in homes, community or work spaces.
Persons who have moved out of the house or have breached the mask protocol at any time when interacting with others not of their family, or who have moved in crowded spaces must take steps to stringently wear masks, practice hand hygiene and distance themselves from other family members. As far as practicable, families can demarcate separate living spaces which symptomatic persons or mobile persons can occupy.
All persons displaying symptoms of cough, fever, etc, should isolate themselves immediately even if not tested. Report symptoms to 14410 and to the nearest health Care provider. Begin home management of mild symptoms as prescribed by the Health Department.
Elderly persons or persons with medical conditions are instructed to stay at home at all times. Elderly and co-morbid people in the community will be listed by health workers, CCMT may assist in submitting the names of such persons to the local health centre.
High risk contact awaiting testing or test results must not ignore symptoms and report to 14410.
The only evidence-based health approach to stop and kill the virus is through physical distancing, hand washing before touching eyes, nose and mouth and wearing of mask in public places. The only way to protect the vulnerable population from severe infection and death is through vaccination. ADIPR
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