Suhsieng: An Entrepreneur’s journey to aromatic and medicinal plants in Meghalaya

With the launch of the Meghalaya Aroma Mission at Byrwa, Ri-Bhoi district, in 2019. The Government aimed at strengthening the livelihood condition of farmers and create employment opportunities in the state.
While not many may be well aware but the spirit of entrepreneurship in the state is on the rise. Several entrepreneurs from various sectors including; agriculture, ecommerce, IT, waste management and handicraft have loomed above and showcased their skills and endeavors.
From the many upcoming entrepreneurs, here we have today the journey of Besterly Marwein, the founder of Suhsieng, an essential oil production unit located at Byrwa, Ribhoi.
A short start to their journey:
After one year of inception, Mr. Besterly Marwein, along with a local society was able to expand the are under cultivation to around 10acres and also form cluster with 12 families with a total area of 12 acres by supporting them with free planting materials.

When asked on why Aromatic plant cultivation?
“The key reason here is that in 2015, NGT had prohibited the extraction of mineral resources like coal and limestone that used to be the key source of income for many from the state.
After few months we happened to meet our friend from Assam who had introduced us to these plantation and in good faith we took the risk to go ahead though we didn’t had any proper training and knowledge initially.
Soon we received support from government institutions with the Institute of Natural resources and BRDC under MBDA.” He said.

Why Suhsieng?
“We want to bring in a decisive and transformative change in the rural economy. We are working to promote the cultivation of high value crops in every district of the state and hence create local job opportunities.
Our first consignment was to a buyer from Lucknow and we are looking at more future buyers from other states once things gets settled.”

What are your future plans?
“We want to further expand the area under cultivation to other district in the state. We are also working on value addition and a proper marketing strategy to make sure we have enough sales to support our farmers.”
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