SVEEP Program held at NIT Meghalaya
The District Election Officer, East Khasi hills District today organized the Systematic Voters Education and Electoral Participation Program at the National Institute of Technology (NIT) Meghalayain which students from the institution took part.
Shri Eddy Ripnar, a member of the Meghalaya Model United Nation shared about the apps that the Election Commission of India had recently launched, the Know Your Candidate (KYC) app basically helps you to gather information about any candidate in your constituency and it will help to see the background and criminal records of the candidate, which is very important as voters when choosing the candidate. Another app, cVIGIL is an innovative mobile application for citizens to report about fraud, distribution of money during elections and others, he said.
He also said that through this app, one can immediately report to the Chief Electoral Officer and they will immediately take action from the information gathered through the app and the person’s name will be kept anonymous. During the program, there were questionnaires with a special focus on elections.
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