Take me home
(On her dead bed in the hospital, with all power that she can muster, she murmured her last words ‘take me home’)
Take me home to the place where I was born and lived happily till I was raped and tortured,

Take me home to the place where I can breathe my last surrounded by green valleys,
Take me home where I can die in peace surrounded by my near and dear ones.
Take me home where my spirit is set free from physical bondage and the fear of being a female.
Take me home where my relatives can perform my last rites,
Take me home to where my spirit can finally rest in peace.
My body is in great pain and my spirit is shattered;
Still I wish to go to the place where I belong,
Take me from this place where my soul is tormented,
Take me home to say my last goodbyes…
But unfortunately look what happened to my home now?
Not only was I denied justice and immediate medical support in my own home;
In fact it was their act of omission which caused me my dear life.
I was not allowed to pay one last visit to my home,
Neither was my family allowed to perform my last rites,
Sadly I was even denied a decent cremation.
What is left of my mortal remain is ashes scattered in the cremation ground.
My place is now cordoned off;
There are barricades all over the place,
My family and my neighbourhood have suffered,
Is this the price they have to pay for the crime that was committed on me?
Are criminals becoming victims and victims becoming criminals in my home?
Take me home one last time to the place where truth and justice prevail,
To the place where female can live freely without any fear.
While for the home that I leave behind I wish there would be no more Nirbhayas,
Or no woman should have to suffer the same fate that I had suffered.
I wish the flames from my cremation will continue to burn inside you,
For they have only succeed in burning my body and not my spirit.
I wish the flame of truth and justice will continue to burn in your heart and give all women hope for a better tomorrow.
~In solidarity with the Hathras rape victim and all the rape vicitms~
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