Tea body fears shortfall in production in Assam, West Bengal

Production across the tea estates in Assam dropped by 8 per cent up to April 2024 as against last year during the same period due to lack of sufficient rainfall, the data released by the Tea Board of India stated here on Wednesday.
The data released by the Tea Board of India indicates a drop of production of 13% in West Bengal up to April 2024 as against last year during the same period.
The production figure of the North Indian tea industry reflects a precarious state of affairs in the industry, consequent to the constant onslaught of insufficient rainfall and excessive heat, hampering production of the crop to a great extent during the current cropping season up to May this year.
In a statement, Tea Association of India (TAI) president Sandeep Singhania said: “Due to lack of rainfall and high temperature the tea growing regions of West Bengal and Assam have witnessed significant wilting of tea bushes, which indicated a further crop loss in the coming months.
“As reported by the member tea estates of the association, the tea estates of Assam and West Bengal are estimated to be behind by around 20% and 40% respectively during May 2024 as against last year,” Singhania said.
The data published by the India Meteorological Department (IMD) for March 1 to May 31 has shown significantly less rainfall to the tune of 50% to 80% in the major tea-growing districts of West Bengal and 10% to 30% in Assam as against normal rainfall received by the districts during the same period.
Since, tea is a rain-fed crop, not receiving sufficient rain during these important months hampers the production of its premium first flush and second flush during this time and loss of crop during this period will severely affect the cash flows of the companies.
The much-awaited rainfall was finally received in the tea-growing districts of Assam and West Bengal with the Southwest Monsoon reaching sub-Himalayan West Bengal and Northeast India on May 30 and 31 respectively covering most parts of both the states, nearly a week ahead of schedule.
“Post the onset of monsoon; both states have witnessed profuse rainfall during the first fortnight of June and as per the data released by India Meteorological Department (IMD) the tea growing districts of West Bengal and Assam have already received 15- 66% and 3-20% more rainfall respectively compared to normal rainfall for the month,” Singhania said.
Singhania said excessive rainfall coupled with practically no sunshine during the day has again hampered crop production in both states. As reported by most of the member tea estates, the production in the state of West Bengal is behind by 25%-40% and in Assam around 10-15% as against last year during the first fortnight of June 2024.
“The combined fall in the tea production till the end of June 2024 is projected to be less by around 60 million kg in North India as compared to the corresponding period of last year,” Singhania also said.
He said the crop that has been lost is primarily of the first and second flush – which are the best quality teas for the year is going to impact the revenue of the producers for the year.
“With the natural circumstances beyond one’s control, the tea industry in both Assam and West Bengal is looking at an ill-starred future in the days to come and an increase in essential inputs including wages and outflow on account of higher bonus in the near future will put a death nail to the tea industry of North India,” he added.
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