Teachers sensitized to combat drugs abuse

The District Administration, East Jaintia Hills District, Khliehriat on Wednesday organized a one-day training cum workshop on Prohibition of Drug Abuse for the Nodal Teachers from different schools of the District at the Conference Hall of DC’s office, Khliehriat.
A Baranwal, IAS, Deputy Commissioner, East Jaintia Hills informed that the students spend most of their time in schools and teachers have a better opportunity to connect, observe and interact with the students on a daily basis.
On the roles of teachers in handling drug abuse, he said, “The teachers are the best hope as they spend maximum time with the children and have considerable influence over the children”. He also said they have the right support structure and teachers hold a very respectable position in society.
The Deputy Commissioner also stressed the importance of understanding the physical and behavioural signs and markers which can indicate that a particular student is leading towards drug abuse.

The topics for the day-long training cum workshop include Legal awareness and NDPS Act (markers, signs, and symptoms of drug users), Joint Action plan and Counseling, Types of Drugs, Ill Effects of Drugs Abuse, and Impact of Drug Abuse in the Family, Economic and Society, Impact of Drugs Abuse in the Physical Body.

The resource persons of the programme were B Jyrwa, MPS, Addl. Superintendent of Police, East Jaintia Hills District, Khliehriat, T Kyndiah, District Child Protection Officer, East Jaintia Hills District, Khliehriat, R Patlong, Programme Manager MCSWA and Dr. J Nongtdu, Medical Officer, In- Charge of OST.
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