Three days a week for shopping your requirements

In order to enable the local residents to purchase their basic and daiiy essential commodities during the ongoing curfew promulgated in West Jaintia Hilis
District, the Deputy Commissioner, West Jaintia Hills Informed that all the Fair Price Shops under NFSA and NON-NFSA, will open every day from 31st March 2020 from 9.00 A.M. to 12.00 Noon.
The Deputy Commissioner has informed that Identified Groceries, Vegetables, Fruit, Meat Vendors, confectionery and essential item shops of all localities selected by the respective Local Dorbar authorities agglomeration and the village of West Jaintia Hills District will be opened on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday with effect from 9.00 A.M. to 12.00 Noon. He, however reiterated that all market places shall remain closed.
The local Headmen (Rangbah Shnongs) in coordination with the District Police will regulate the operation of the shops in respective localities and villages and also to ensure due compliance to the Advisories of Government in the Health & Family Welfare Department with special and strict reference to Social Distancing concerning the COVID-19 situation.

In respect to this the Deputy Commissioner has requested the public to strictly maintain Social distancing of at least one meter, to avoid overcrowding in one shop or area and to Cooperate with the management made by the District Administration, District Police and Rangbah shnongs.
The identified Distributors and Wholesalers permitted to supply goods to the identified groceries shops and other identified vendors are to coordinate with the retailers for delivering the stock to the selected groceries, vendors and retailers on every Tuesday, Thursday and Friday under West Jaintia Hills District. All Wholesaler and traders are also entrusted to maintain daily stock and sale register along with details of shops.
The Deputy Commissioner has also informed that similar arrangements will be made for the days to come and specific instruction will be suitably published well in advance. The Deputy Commissioner also mentioned that adequate stock is available and there is no need to panic and resort to hoarding as it will have an adverse impact.
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