Three minor injuries & over 1000 households struck by cyclonic storms in Ri Bhoi District

Three minor were injuries and more than 1000 households under Umsning and Bhoirymbong C&RD Blocks were struck by a devastating cyclonic storm on Thursday at around 11:40 AM.
Under Umsning C&RD Block, prima facia around 47 villages were affected in which damaged to houses were reported, Government properties were also reported as affected due to the storm- BDO’s Office, Office of the EE, PWD (R) including quarters, Hatchery cum Poultry Farm and Fisheries.
One temporary shelter has been set up at Syadheh village as a standby shelter. No casualties were reported so far.
Bhoirymbong C&RD Block is the worst hit amongst the two Blocks where around 29 villages, 612 households were affected.
Around 400 households may be affected under Tyrso and Mawlasnai Circles. 271 houses partially damaged and 86 houses fully damaged.
Three minor injuries were reported from Umeit village.
Properties were also reported as affected due to the storm BDO’s Office, 1 school at Umroi Nongrah and 1 Church at Lumdiengngan.
All line departments- Police, Forest and PWD (R) were immediately deployed to take necessary action 1or clearance and restoration.
MeECL immediately sent for restoration of electricity supply in the DIstrict. Traffic was immediately restored at Umsning Block.
Online emergency meeting with all the BDOs held at 5 PM on Thursday for necessary action. Detailed reports awaiting from all the Block Development Officers. Block officials still doing ground survey for comprehensive assessment.
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