Tiehsaw village declared as Surveillance Zone for African Swine Fever
The District Magistrate of West Khasi Hills District on Tuesday declared Tiehsaw village as Surveillance Zone for African Swine Fever.
The order issued was by the District Magistrate Garod LSN Dykes on the recommendation of the District A.H. & Veterinary Officer, West Khasi Hills District.
The District A.H. & Veterinary Officer, West Khasi Hills District, Nongstoin reported that certain villages in the district have been suspected with cases of African Swine Fever and reports have also indicated cases of death of pigs at Tiehsaw Village.
“It is necessary that appropriate measures be undertaken to contains the spread of the diseases within the aforesaid area so as to enable the Officers of A.H. & Veterinary Department to conduct active surveillance,” the order said.
The order come into force with immediate effect and until further.
The following are the preventive measure:
1. Area of Epicenter: Tiehsaw Village, West Khasi Hills District.
2. Infected Zone: – 1 Km radius of the Epicenter
3. Surveillance Zone: – 10 Km radius of the Infected Zone.
4. Restrictions in the Infected Zone
a) There shall be no movement of pigs, genetic material, meat, feeds, equipment, veterinary medicine from the Infected Zone into Surveillance Zones and Disease-Free Zone.
b) All Equipment/supplies associated with pig should not be moved out of the pig sheds/pig farms in Infected Zone.
c) The pig farm owners and pig handlers shall maintain hygiene and bio-security in pig farms and restrict entry of people into farm premises.
d) There shall be restriction of movement of people to the infected premises.
e) There shall be complete prohibition of movement of pig handlers from one pig shed to another.
f) Vehicles shall be allowed to move out of the infected zone only after cleaning and disinfection.
g) If pigs are swill-fed, the source of the will feed should be traced for identification of other possible contact premises.
h) No person is allowed to take out any pig alive or dead which is infected or suspected to be infected from African Swine fever.
i) No person is allowed to take out any pig feed or bedding materials or other materials namely carcass, skin or other parts or products of such animals which has come in contact with any animal infected or suspected to be infected from African swine fever.
J) The Carcasses shall not be allowed to move out of the infected premises and shall be disposed in the infected premises itself.
In case of exception where the carcass disposal is not possible, the transport of carcasses should be undertaken by the agencies under control of District Veterinary office following strict biosecurity protocols and using leak proof vehicle.
5. Restrictions in the Surveillance Zone
a) There shall be no movement of pigs, genetic material, meat, feeds, equipment, veterinary medicine from the Surveillance Zones into the Disease-Free Zone.
b) Movement of live pigs from surveillance zone to infected zone is prohibited.
c) Movement of pigs within the surveillance zone is permitted.
d) Movement of pork and pork products from surveillance zone to Disease-Free Zone is prohibited.
e) The dead pigs should be disposed of by deep burial with sufficient lime cover only and not thrown in rivers/ canals / streams /water bodies.
f) Movement of manure, slurry and other pig waste is not permitted although it can be licensed for transport for disposal.
g) The pig farm owners and pig handlers shall maintain hygiene and bio-security in pig farms and shall restrict entry of people into farm premises.
h) There shail be complete prohibition of movement of pig handlers from one pig shed to another.
6. Preventive measures in Free Zone (area outside the surveillance zone)
a) The pig farm owners and pig handlers shall maintain hygiene and bio-security in pig farms and shall restrict entry of people into farm premises
b) Avoid contacts and ensure cleaning and disinfection at control points (such as entry to farm and between sheds), restrict movement of vehicle on/off farm and control the disposal and collection of fallen stock and other waste.
c) Pig holders shall be advised to confine their pigs.
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