Total lockdown imposed in South Garo Hills

The District Magistrate, South Garo Hills, Baghmara, Syeed F, IAS, had promulgate Total Lockdown and prohibit gathering of 5 or more persons in public places, in the entire District of South Garo Hills, Meghalaya from 24th May, 2021 (5:00 AM) to 1st June 2021 (5:00 AM).
The order was issued after the number of COVID-19 positive cases in District South Garo Hills have been increasing for the past one week despite measures being put in place for containment of the spread of Coronavirus.
The order states, the District Administration has reviewed the situation further and after obtaining feed back from all stakeholders it has been felt expedient to put in place stringent measures in order to break the chain of transmission, contain further spread of the virus and safeguard the citizens of the District.
Furthermore the following essential and emergency services shall be be exempted
from the purview of this order.
Medical Pharmaceutical establishments Shops / stores
Central and State Government offices.
Banking Services, Post & Telegraph and telecommunication services, subject to below mentioned conditions.
- Any Person not wearing the face mask shall not be allowed inside the
- Entry inside buildings shall be regulated to ensure only one person per
counter at a given time.
Weddings and Funeral Gatherings shall be restricted to only 15 persons with prior
permission of the Deputy Commissioner
Person traveling on Essential Services viz.
i) Medical teams and officials on Covid-19 Duty
ii) Police, Security and Armed Forces
iii) Civil Defence and Home Gaurds
iv) Fire and Emergency Services
v) Power (NEEPCO, MECL, etc)
vi) Water Supply(PHE)
vii) Agriculture and Veterinary Services
viii) Municipal Services
ix) Roads and Buildings (PWD, NHAI etc)
x) Food Corporation of India (FCI), PDS (FPS) xi) Petrol and Diesel tankers, LPG Delivery
xii) Persons scheduled for Vaccination, those of 18-44 age group should produce proof of COWIN registration and slot booking.
Print and electronic media.
Construction of Government Projects including Medical facilities and Road Construction of National Highways.
In-Situ construction, Farming and MGNREGA activities with prior permission of the concerned BDO.
Movement of the vehicles shall be regulated as per Order No SGH/DC/DM/C-19/01/2021/08 dated Baghmara, the 23rd of May, 2021
The opening of the Shops in the Market areas/ villages shall be regulated as per order issued on May 23.
All permitted activities are subject to strict compliance to various COVID-19 protocols issued by the Health & Family Welfare Department, Government of Meghalaya. Wearing of double Face Mask when coming out is mandatory.
Any violation of the above directions shall invite penal action as per relevant provisions of the law.
All Executive Magistrates are directed to be present in the areas assigned to them and discharge their duties as directed vide order No:SGH/DC/Gn.3/CD/2020/825 dated 4th May, 2021, Baghmara, in coordination with respective OC/IC as communicated from the O/o Superintendent of Police, South Garo Hills vide order No CRB/IV-10/13-2020 dated Baghmara, the 17th May, 2021, and ensure strict compliance.
All previous passes for activities not permitted shall be revoked with effect from 5:00 AM of 24in of May, 2021.
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