Transportation of cement products banned

The District Magistrate, East Jaintia Hills District in a press release issued here informs the general public that in view of the prevailing situation concerning COVID-19 in the State, country and globally and to put in place preventive and mitigation measures to identify and take more stringent steps so the pandemic of COVID-19 is contained in East Jaintia Hills District and Meghalaya by way of ensuring observance of strict protocols of the advisories issued by the Government of Meghalaya in the Health and Family Welfare Department.
The District Magistrate, East Jaintia Hills District in an order under section 144 Cr.P.C read together with the regulation 3 of the Meghalaya Epidemic Disease 2020 has directed all factories and workshop under East Jaintia Hills District to remain closed except those firms dealing with medical supplies/ equipment, Food related industries. All cement and coke plants are prohibited to transport cement products during the period of lockdown, the operation and maintenance activities at the Cement Plant and Coke plant are to be limited to 25% capacity and to also follow the Health advisories.
Further, the factories should stop fresh arrival of employer and employees from other states till further orders. They are to sanitize and instruct the Hygiene protocols to all workers and employers to frequently clean their hand using alcohol based hand rub or soap and water, to maintain social distancing of at least one meter, to avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth and to practice respiratory hygiene, If any employer and employee has fever, cough and difficulty in breathing they are to seek medical care immediately and they are to ensure that there is no pandemonium during the relax- period.
In view of the urgency of the matter, this order shall come in to force with immediate effect and until further notice. DPRO

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