Truckers demand auctioning of 32 lakh metric tons of assessed coal
The Jaintia Hills Trucks Owners Association (JHTOA) demanded initiating of process for auctioning the assessed coal of 32 Lakhs Metric tons for easing the economic problems of the people and the association.
In a memorandum to Chief Minister, Meghalaya, the association informed since the ban imposed for mining and transportation of coal the livelihood of the people of Jaintia Hills and the state at large were adversely affected as they are highly dependent on mining of coal as the main source of livelihood.
After the ban on Mining of coal the NGT has directed the state to conduct the assessment of the already mined coal in different Districts of the state. As per inspection the quantity of already mined coal is 32 lakhs Metric Tonne.
The NGT directed that the 32 lakh Metric Tonne of coals shall be auction under the supervision of the Coal India Limited. But till date the auction process has not commence.
They informed the members of the association are trucks owner are highly depending on coal transportation for earning their livelihood prior the ban on coal mining.
Ever since the ban has been imposed large number of members are finding it difficult to keep both ends meet.
“The very fact that as trucks are purchased by way of finance, we are finding it difficult to pay the installments on regular basis as we are out of work. That if in any way possible to auction the assessed coal, it will be of great help to the people to ease their problems,” the memorandum pointed.
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