U Dr Sankey Shangpung u Chairman ba thymmai ka JHADC

U MDC jong ka United Democratic Party (UDP) na Bataw Lakadong u Dr. Sankey Shangpung un long u Chairman ba thymmai jong ka Jaiñtia Hills Autonomous District Council (JHADC), kaba ka election jied Chairman thymmai kan long haka sngi Nyngkong.
Ia kane ka elekshon Chairman la hap ban pynlong hadien ka jingiehnoh kam u ma Finelyness Bareh MDC Rymbai naduh u bnai Kyllalyngkot 2020.
U Dr. Sankey u dei tang marwei na ki MDC kiba la thep kyrteng hakhmat u secretary legislative JHADC haka sngi Saitjain.
La synran ia u Dr. Sankey da ki MDC ka UDP bad NPP hapoh ka kynhun jong ka United Democratic Alliance (UDA) kaba dei ka liang synshar ha JHADC.
U nongaiktien ka UDA, uba long ruh u EM u ma Phasmon Dkhar ula ong ba UDA da kawei ka sur kila rai ban kyrshan ia u Dr. Sankey ban long kum u Chairman ba thymmai ka konsil.
Hi..ur news r amazing n the best part of it is u give us the correct information n its upto date…Great work…All the very best n keep doing the good job…All the very best for the entire crew whose involved in making this news channel a great success…Congratulations n God Bless..??????
Thank You @Marchborn Syiem @Jerryson Wahlang
I would like to thank and congratulate syllad news for updating us latest and correct news that we badly need during this pandemic. Keep up the good job, and u became my No.1 trusted source of news
From J.M.Syiem umden (ribhoi)