Unidentified dead body at Khliehriat Civil Hospital
The Superintendent of Police, East Jaintia Hills District has informed that on the 30th December, 2022 at around 07:11 AM telephonic information was received at Ladrymbai Outpost from Jaswant Singh of Civil Hospital, Khliehriat to the effect that one unidentified male dead body was kept at Civil Hospital Khliehriat morgue room.
After receiving the information staff of Ladrymbai out Post was deputed to cause an enquiry at the place of occurrence. During enquiry at the PO which is at Umlakiar football ground one unidentified male dead body aged not known was found lying at morgue room.
Accordingly, inquest was held over the dead body and after observing all the formalities the dead body of the deceased the same was kept at Civil Hospital morgue house. The description of deceased is indicated below:
Particular of Deceased: Age Not known, Face= Oval, Height- 5.5 ft. approx., Build- Medium, Complexion –Dark, Hair – Brown & Black, Wearing dress -Grey T-shirt, Jacket Light Brown & Grey pant.
All concerned who can identify the deceased are requested to immediately contact the following mobile numbers for taking further necessary action from this end.
Phone numbers: (1). 9863132388.
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