Uniform Civil Code might undermine cultural identity & customs of Khasi Jaintia people: JSU
The Jaintia Students’ Union (JSU) on Wednesday urged the Central Government against the introduction of the Uniform Civil Code (UCC) in Parliament as it might dilute the unique identity and customs of Khasi Jaintia communities in Meghalaya.
In a letter to the Member Secretary, Law Commission of India, the JSU said the introduction of a UCC could undermine the unique customs and traditions followed by the Khasi and Jaintia people.
They also said the UCC may overlook or disregard the specific needs and aspirations of the tribal community, potentially leading to cultural assimilation or marginalization.
The letter felt that implementing a Uniform Civil Code (UCC) in India could potentially have an impact on the provisions of the Sixth Schedule of the Indian Constitution.

They also said the Sixth Schedule specifically applies to certain tribal areas in the states of Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura, and Mizoram.
It provides for the establishment of autonomous district councils with powers to make laws on a range of subjects, including land, forests, and local customs.
The JSU emphasized the importance of religious freedom and the right to practice one’s faith. They also informed the Uniform Civil Code might interfere with religious customs, rituals, and traditions, and restrict the ability of individuals to follow their religious beliefs in matters of personal law.

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