Unjustified Act!!

As new Covid-19 cases surge drastically infecting the population to the extent that the new strain causing the second wave hit every nook and corner of the country. The Indian government struggling hard in combating and overcome the disaster alongside international supports and attention.
Many Indian states has to imposed the week long lockdown to curb and contain the immediate spread of the virus due to its highly infectious in nature. It’s no wonder that the Meghalaya government has imposed restriction in the state for preventing the mass explosion of the infection.
However, the fact that stringent restriction are being triggered only in the state capital for the reason of being “most affected district” whereby schools, colleges and other educational Institution along with non-essential services/ establishment were being regulated. But it is of great concerned that other districts in the state are being neglected and being treated as healthy districts. Is it not alarming that increasing cases in other districts particularly Jaintia Hills and Ri Bhoi district needs serious attention too?
Schools, colleges and other educational institution and non essential services/ establishment continue to operate normally as if the residents of these districts are being tolerant or resistant to the new strain. What’s the government logic in imposing strict regulation only in the state capital whereby taking other districts for granted?
School goings students from nursery and above are being made vulnerable and exposed to high risk of infection as they are to attend schools at least twice or thrice a wee and most teachers are not even vaccinated!. Non essential services in other district were allowed to operate normally attracting movement of the general public thereby making the scenario much more life threatening.
Isn’t a saying that quotes ‘Prevention is better than cure” reflects preventing something before situation happens? With the present normality in other districts, it seems that the government is cautiously waiting to act only if the public throughout the state were infected to the mass scale. As a responsible veteran citizen of the state, I sincerely expressed my great concerned over this non justified and invalid strategy that our state government executed to contain the virus.
OR Shallam
Panaliar, Jowai
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