VDP played active role in maintaining peaceful elections says SP West Jaiñtia Hills

JOWAI: West Jaintia Hills District Superintendent of Police, Lakador Syiem, MPS, lauded the active participation of the VDP members and especially for the support and cooperation in maintaining peaceful environment during the recently MDC and Lok Sabha Election.
He was addressing the Village Defence Parties (VDP) at the Rally held in the District Library Auditorium, Mynthong, Jowai today.

Syiem encouraged the VDP members to continue to assist the Police Department in eradication all sort of crime, at the same time requested them to work in close coordination with the village, with other government departments and to closely collaborate with the Para Legal Volunteers for any legal aid if required to avoid any untoward incidents and break down of law and order.
He informed that in West Jaintia Hills there are 276 registered VDP units and around 100 unregistered VDP units. He also informed that in recognition to the persistent role of VDP members the police department will be distributing blankets, torch lights, shoes and other items to the members.
Speaking on the Safety and Security of Village, MJ Marngar, MPS, Deputy Superintendent of Police (Hq) West Jaintia Hills said the Village Defence parties (VDP) play a key role in maintaining peace and harmony in the village, therefore self discipline and unity among members is needed, he also encourage them to take initiate to help one another, to coordinate with the police and not to take law in their hands.
Certificates and cash were awarded to 10 VDP units for their exemplary work and selfless service.

Under Jowai PS jurisdiction the award for the most active VDP was given to Dongmihsngi VDP in connection with the Jowai Case No. 196 (8) 2018U/S376/511 IPC in which the Dongmihsngi VDP has played a role in rescuing three girls and preventing them from being raped.

Under Amlarem PS jurisdiction the awrd was given to Amlarem VDP for their two significant contribution – in connection with Amlarem PS Case No. 26 (12) 2018 U/S 302/34 IPC where the VDP members detained few culprits who were involved in this case and in connection with Amlarem PS case No.12 (4) 2019 U/S 14 Foreigner Act where the VDP apprehended one without valid documents hand him over to the police.
Nartiang PS Jurisdiction, the award for the most active VDP Unit was given to the Myrjai VDP in connection with Nartiang Case No. 12 (03)2019 U/379/354 IPC where they play a role in apprehending red – hande4d 2(two) person who were stealing 5(Five) number of cows.
Saitsama OP Jurisdiction, given to the Sanaro VDP Unit in connection with Nartiang PS Case No.11(13)19 U/S 377 IPC R/W Sec 3 (9) 4 POCSO Act for apprehending and producing before the police the accused.
Garampani OP Jurisdiction given to the Priang VDP Unit in connection with Jowai PS Case No. 14 (01)19 U/S 302 IPC R/W Sec (A)14 POCSO ACT where they have helped the police in apprehending the accused person who have rape and murder minor girl.
Phramer Police Jurisdiction, the award for the most active VDP Unit was given to the mynso B VDP Unit. The Mynso B VDP is given this award in connection with Jowai PS Case No.04 (01)18 U/S 8 POSCO Act where the Mynso B VDP has assisted the police in the arrest of the accuse person.

Under Raliang OP Police Jurisdiction award was given to the Madan Kynsaw VDP Unit for apprehending notorious mobile phone thief from Nongkynrih Village and also for assisting the police especially in the night time.
Ummulong Beat House Police Jurisdiction, award was given to Lad Mukhla VDP Unit for several contributory and positive roles it had played such as detection and apprehension of rogue character and criminals in the areas well as in the recent Fani Cyclone.
For Muktapur Police Jurisdiction the award was given to Jong u Chen VDP unit for several contributory and positive roles it had played in the execution of the Non-bailable Warrant of arrest(NDWA) and other Court related matters.
And under Dawki PS the award for most active VDP unit was given to Shnongpdeng VDP regarding several positives roles it has played such as securing the safety ans security of tourist visiting the area and on fe occasion VDP members have prevented a total of five tourist from drowning
R Pde, COVDO and Army Lypon, VDP Member from Pynthor Langtein Village were the other speakers.

The programme was chaired by B Chetri, MPS, Additional Superintendent of Police, WJHs. The Members were welcomed by R Tariang, SDPO, Amlarem Sub-Division while the Vote of thanks was offered by F Passah, COVDO.
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