Village dorbar grants permission for erecting megaliths in memories of freedom fighters
The Nongthliew village at the Diengїei plateau is the territory within the jurisdiction of the Nongkhlaw province and is one of the largest village in the area with thousands of households and tens of thousands inhabitants. One of the significant segments of the village known as Laitarted has spectacular landscape and topographical contours. The local durbar has granted permission to the Hynñiewtrep Youth Council (HYC), Nongthliew Circle for erection of megaliths in memory of the heroes of Anglo Khasi resistance movement. The area is situated at an elevated location, which is prominent from all the surrounding villages.
From the 16th to the 18th of December,2020, the members of HYC held a memorial megaliths erection ceremony, where the proposed statue of Tirot Sing Syiem will be sculpted at the centre of the complex.
The megaliths were brought from Kyrphei village in Tyrsad and the erection ceremony culminated with the auspicious remembrance of the eightieth death anniversary of the Khasi bard Soso Tham.
The megalith erection ceremony was initiated by the elder, Hoping Khyllait with prayers and incantation and graced by Robert June Kharjahrin, President of HYC central body. The chief guest in his address stated, ‘The megalithic complex will be the memorial monument in honour of all the known and unknown warriors of freedom struggle against the British imperial supremacy’. He said that each monolith will represents every warriors including Syiem Bormanik of Hima Shyllong or the erstwhile Shyllong province, Syiem Sngap Sing of Hima Maharam, Monbhut, Lorshon Jaraiñ, the courageous lady Phan Nonglait and all the other personalities of freedom struggle.

The function was presided by Daniel Star Pathaw, Assistant Secretary, HYC Nongthliew and the other dignitaries on the occasion are Rhembor Saiborn, Vice-President HYC Central, headmen leader Peter Anton Umwi and Joplang Kharnaior, President, HYC, Nongthliew Circle. As part of the programme, the HYC President, Robert June Kharjahrin conducted an oath ceremony for the Women Wing of HYC, Nongthliew. The statue of Tirot Sing Syiem is being assigned to the artists of Riti Academy by the HYC and is slated to be unveiled during his death anniversary on July 17, next year.

Nga pynkynmaw ia ka HYC ba kan ym klet ia ki khla ka wait na Ri War kata ia u Borthan Chyne bad u Luksing Syiem.