Village leaders tasked to contain Corona Virus

The Deputy Commissioner, East Jaintia Hills District in a press communique issued here informs the general public that in order to combat bias an stigma related to COVID-19, to create awareness and to put in place contact tracing team at every village to remove the xenophobia that may spread due to corona virus, a Village COVID-19 Management Committee has been constituted in every village which comprises if the Headman of the village as the Chairman, the Secretary of the village as the Member Secretary.
Other members of the committee includes the ANM, ASHA, ANGANWADI, 2 (two) Male village elders, 2(two) Female village elders, Church Representatives and Voluntary NGOs to be identified by the village authorities.
He also mentioned that the function of this Committee is to collectively work to contain the spread of the Virus, to sensitize the public to their active role in the response, to propagate social distancing and public health measures, to sensitize the public about home quarantine and control room, to create extensive awareness and to emphasize individual responsibilities, to identify vulnerable pockets/ population, to know the sign and symptoms, to take steps to counter the contagion of bias and stigma, to form a contact tracing team at every village to trace any symptomatic person or put into action in the event of any known positive cases, etc.
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