Washing of vehicles & clothes along River Myntdu totally banned

District Magistrate, West Jaintia Hills District Jowai Garod LSN Dykes, IAS on Monday issued prohibitory order u/s 144 CrPC to prevent further pollution of River Myntdu.
According to the order, felling of trees are prohibited in the vicinity of river Myntdu.
Sand mining and stone quarries all along the river Myntdu and on the river bed are strictly banned.
Washing of clothes and vehicles, dumping of spoils and waste material (Solid/Liquid) along the course of Myntdu river and waste/muck from road construction into Myntdu river are prohibited.
The order is issued in accordance with the directives issued by the Chief Secretary, Government of Meghalaya vide letter No. FOR/CC/2/2017/915, Dt 26/3/2022 and in compliance of the Order of the Hon’ble NGT in 0.A No. 172/2016.
It is also to ensure effective implementation of the National Green Tribunal (NGT) Order against illegal felling of trees, sand mining and illegal collection of boulders from the river bed of Myntdu and its vicinity.
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