West Jantia Hills: Protocol issued for conduct of weddings

In view of the pandemic situation arising out of the COVID-19, the District Magistrate has issued protocol for conduct of weddings in churches, temples, mosques and other places of worship within the District during the COVID-19 Pandemic.
The order states that all venue shall be well-ventilated and preferably in an open space (based on availability and weather conditions) and no air conditioning to be used.
The venue should be spacious enough to accommodate the guests with Social Distancing up to 2 metres, the hall or space should be well sanitized and cleaned. The proprietors are advised to provide Hand Sanitizers at the entrance and exit and they should also maintain a list of all attendees, event managers and workers of such event.
The spacing and sanitization arrangements will be inspected by an Officer deputed by the District Administration.
The order has also stated that the number of participants shall not be more than 50 including the hosts. Senior citizen above the age of 65 and children below the age of 10 shall be taken extra care while attending the marriage. The hosts may make arrangements for online viewing of the event further anyone having symptoms of cough, cold or fever should not be allowed to attend the event, gift items carried with hands should be avoided and online gifts may be encouraged.
All the guests should download and use Aarogya Setu app during and after the event.
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