Why NEHU now needs an immediate appointment of a Local qualified VC?
Continuously for last three terms, NEHU got VCs from one region of the country, who all could not do a good job. Right now, larger segment of teachers are alienated by Prof.S.K.Srivastvas high handed and arbitrary style of running the University. This created a culture of sycophancy and undermining of merit and credible work. Not only all the basic norms and standards are violated, but also NEHU faces a grave crisis in every front.
NEHU, being the earliest central university of Northeastern region could not have been in such a degraded state had it been in able hands. In last three terms since 2005, NEHU has gone down and never recovered.
At this moment NEHU needs a qualified home grown local Professor from the university community who can take care of interests of tribal students and people of the state and the region. Also NEHU needs a balanced and healing touch, which can come in all likelihood from someone who can take every segment of teachers along and create a good collegial sense of harmony and co-ordination among teachers and researchers coming from various backgrounds so that NEHU can again get back its past glory and height.
This will require removal of present stalemate and replacement of the failed team of Prof.S.K.Srivastava so that NEHU can have better and cleaner future.
For this, ground level understanding clearly shows that a qualified local Professor will be the best choice. From among limited number of such available qualified locals, one can think of those who stand out for his/her well rounded experience, capacity to leadership and academic excellence with some depth understanding of university administration. Given NEHUs special character of working with students and teachers coming from matrilineal society of Meghalaya, one can choose a qualified lady professor from among the locals.
Apart from this, from among Professors from local community including home grown NEHU Professors, who may have an instant ability of carrying along all sections of teachers and students to the common goal of transforming NEHU into an excellent academic institution could be considered for the next incumbent of VC in NEHU. Not only leader in his/her own specialized field of research, but those is in a unique position of creating a research ambience with cutting edge contributions in various disciplines that are relevant today for the Pandemic and post-pandemic world could also be considered.
The HYC appeals to local scholars, intellectuals and members of civil society to rise up and build NEHU again.
By: Enlang Sawian, Education Secretary, HYC- CEC | Iarapbhathik Shangrit, President, HYC- NEHU Unit
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