Woodland WK Hospital accredited by National Accreditation Board of Healthcare Organization

Within 22 months of its inauguration, Woodland WK Hospital, West Jaintia Hills District has secured the first accreditation from the National Accreditation Board for Hospitals & Healthcare Providers (NABH).
Governed by the Quality Council of India (QCI) under the Department for Central Promotion of Industries & Internal Trade, Government of India, the accreditation in itself is the first testimony of the quality of care & patient safety primarily at par with the other National Hospitals.
The Standards of NABH & QCI are set not by State or District Authorities but are equal for one & all Organizations across the country. The hospital took the mere 15 months for accumulating the data needed for submission of the application, as infrastructurally the Hospital was pre-build as per the Standards of NABH-QCI only.
Located at the picturesque village of Sabah Muswang, Woodland WK Hospital is a multi-specialty modern era State-of-the-Art private hospital in the District
Established on 15 September 2020 with the sole objective of providing quality healthcare not only in West Jaintia Hills District but also to the entire Jaintia Hills region.
The area was totally depended on the District Hospital, CHCs’ & PHCs’ for its all health care needs, which were restricted to the minimal X-Ray & simple Blood Investigations only & many patients were referred to Shillong Hospitals for advance investigations, treatments & further management.
Woodland WK Hospital brought along the first CT scanner machine, daily routine Ultrasonography, Dialysis & Endoscopy of the District along with the State-of-the-Art Intensive care Unit with Ventilators, 24x7x365 Emergency Services & many other testing parameters at the doorstep of the Patients.
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