World Water Day celebrated in East Jaintia Hills

World Water Day under the theme “Ground Water, Making the Invisible Visible” was celebrated at St Anthony’s College Extension Auditorium, Byndihati, East Jaintia Hills District on Tuesday.
Organized by the District Water & Sanitation Mission (DWSM), Jal Jeevan Mission(JJM), East Jaintia Hills.
Speaking on the occasion as the Chief Guest, Minister of Social Welfare Kyrmen Shylla said that there has been an increase in the number of water tankers in the district providing drinking water to households and shops, which is a result of not using water judiciously in the past, he urged the gathering to start taking steps and measures to conserve water as it is a necessity of live.
He also stated that through the vision of the government and the hard work of the government officials of the PHE department many schemes has been sanctioned like the Greater Rymbai Water Supply Scheme which is in the process of completion, Synrang Umlawe Combined Water Supply Scheme, Ummyrho Combined Water Supply Scheme and other ongoing water supply schemes implemented in different villages of the district.
Speaking on the target set by the Government to provide water to every rural household under the Jal Jeevan Mission by 2022, the Minister lauded the tireless efforts and hardwork of the officials and staff of the PHE department while also encouraging them to continue with the same passion, drive and hard work in order to achieve the set target.
Deputy Commissioner, East Jaintia Hills District, Abhilash Baranwal in his speech said that ground water is the ultimate backup option when every water source is polluted or it is insufficient. He also spoke on the impacts on mindless concretization on the ground water levels due to minimal rainwater seepage also resulting to the increase in the amount of surface water runoff which also has other numerous impacts such as soil erosion, flooding and the major impact of the groundwater not recharging. He also highlighted on the qualitative ways such as discharging of waste water, using of fertilizers, pesticides which will ultimately lead to water pollution.

The Deputy Commissioner also stated that we must be conscious that our actions have an impact on the sources that we can’t even see. “Small steps need to be taken by planting more trees, helping in conservation of water which can reduce dependence on ground water and ensuring that waste water from homes, commercial enterprises is not being discharged into the ground or any other surface stream without being treated”, he added.
During the programme, J.K Singh, Estate Manager Star Cement Plant gave a presentation on the topic Filtration of Water. Others who also spoke in the occasion were P Synnah, EE, PHE, Electrical Division, Jowai cum Member Secretary, DWSM- JJM, East Jaintia Hills District, R Nongtdu, SDO PHE Electrical Sub- Division, Rymbai, M Passah, SDO PHE, RWS Khliehriat Sub- Division and Miio Dkhar, Representative from Cham Cham Village.
Earlier in the programme, the Chief Guest inaugurated the World Water Day exhibition competition for school students which was conducted as part of the celebration.

The other highlights of the day include Folk Song performed by Gracious Disciple Group, Traditional Dance by PHE Staff, performance by Elisha Sympli and prize distributions to the winners of the exhibition and drawing competitions. Certificates of Appreciation were also distributed to the schools participating in different activities organized by the District Water & Sanitation Mission (DWSM) – Jal Jeevan Mission(JJM).
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