Yn pynshitom ïa ki nongdie marbam ba leh khlieh shrieh

U Deputy Commissioner, West Jaiñtia Hills District ula bthah ïa baroh ki nongdie mar bam kiba la shah ban plie ba kin pynbiang jingkhein ïaka kudam jong ki bad ba kim bit ban die bun tang ha u/ka wei u nongthied, khnang ban pynthikna ba kam dei ban don ka jingduna mar ha kum kane ka por ba ka jinglong jingman haka ri baroh kawei na ka jingsar u khniang COVID-19.
U DC supply ula bthah ïa baroh ki nongdie mar bam bad buh iaka Stock -cum-Sale Register.
Sample of the Stock & Sale Register
Sl. No | Date | Opening balance of commodity | Arrival of Commodity | Total | Sale/issue | Closing Balance | Remarks |
Ka jingdon mar ha kudam bad ka dor jong ki mar ha ki jaka ba iohi paidbah

La kyntu ïa baroh ban bud ïaki kyndon ban die sha uwei pa uwei u nongthied nongpet
Ka dor jong ki mar bam:
1. Rice -50kgs per customer
2. Sugar -2kgs per customer
3 Dal items -2 kg per customer
4. Salt-1kg per customer
5. Cooking Oil -1 litre per customer
6. Atta -3 kgs per customer
7. Maida -3 kgs per customer
8. Hand wash -2 nos per customer
9. Hand sanitizer -1 no per customer
10. Masks -1 no per customer
11. Onion -2kg per customer
12. Potato -3 kg per customer
13. Tea leaf -250 grams per customer
14. Suji – 2 kgs per customer
15. Refine Oil -1litre per customer
16. Dried motor -1kg per customer
U DC Supply ula bthah ruh ban buh iaka reserved stocks jong ki mar bam bad lada lap ia kino kino kiba pynkhein aiñ yn pynshitom katkum ki kyndon bad die rem dor yn pynshitom katkum ki kyndon jong ka Prevention of Black Marketing and maintenance of Supplies of E/Cs Act.1980.
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